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I Can't GIVE It Away!

Nov 15, 2022

 The first time I heard this expression was years ago: I can't GIVE it away!  


My friend was so frustrated because no matter what she offered, without charging no less, she couldn't give it away.


She felt like her words were falling on deaf ears. Her freebie offers were met with crickets. Her confidence was


She had trouble getting those prominent digital marketers or copywriters to would work with her startup. Why? Because they don't get those "easy wins" that wow clients into continuing to work with them. 


So, she pretty much did it all herself.


She even spent (and lost) a bunch on advertising it. NOTHING.


Now, she runs a 6-Figure business and is doing great. But those first few years were so hard.


What if, what if...she would have given up before she hit her stride.



What do you think?


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