From The Desk Of Carrie Glenn

How to Get Clients with Your Answers to Their Questions by Carrie Glenn Jul 11, 2019

How to Get Clients with Your Answers to Their Questions by Carrie Glenn


I’ve made this video recording to show you how to get clients by writing your sentences exactly to the...

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The secret to overcoming writer's block by Carrie Glenn Jan 21, 2018


"I sit with nothing to say. Nothing to type. Fingers still, won't play. Writer's block."

"How do I get past writer's block?" Everyone wants to know and there's lots of advice you can take:

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On being creative Jan 13, 2017

Ode to the Copywriter

Read content
Gather ideas
Do research
Add to content
Hate how it reads and sounds
Rework content
Read brilliant new copy! It's utter crap...

Rework content
Rework again
Stare at copy...

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